HLTAID009 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
First aid training equips participants with the knowledge to make a difference when accidents happen and in emergency situations. This means you’ll be able to think clearly and make educated decisions while waiting for medical assistance to arrive.
First aid course cover the basics of essential CPR and what to do in common medical emergencies. If you are taking the course for workplace use, it is especially important to choose a nationally accredited provider. All workplaces benefit from having staff qualified in first aid.
Individuals with first aid certification also benefit from having a valuable skill to add to their resume.
This course supersedes HLTAID001 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) HLTAID009 is included in the HLTAID0011 Provide First Aid training course but can also be delivered separately for students who just need the CPR component (the CPR unit must be refreshed annually).
This one (1) day course delivers the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid response, the incident and other first aiders, until the arrival of medical or other assistance.
CPR training covers topics such as recognising and assessing an emergency situation; performing Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR); liaising with emergency services to convey incident details; review first aid response.
Linked 2 is approved by Australian Skills and Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver this training course.
The trainer reserves the right to refuse entry to the course based on the outcome of the Language, Literacy and Numeracy test which is available to all participants.
Upon successful completion of the course participants will receive:
Nationally recognised Statement of Attainment
HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification is valid for 1 year.
The trainer reserves the right to refuse entry to the course based on the outcome of the Language, Literacy and Numeracy test which is available to all participants.
1. Student Workbook. Participant must bring completed Student Workbook (all questions must be completed).
The link for the Student Workbook download will be provided in the confirmation email after submission of the online registration form.
ENTRY TO THE COURSE WILL BE REFUSED if the Student Workbook is not completed.
2. Attendance. Participants should arrive 15 minutes prior the scheduled starting time to complete the necessary registration paperwork.
ENTRY TO THE COURSE WILL BE REFUSED if participants arrive 20 minutes after the scheduled starting time.
3. Identification. Participants must provide one form of valid I.D. (e.g. passport, driver’s licence, proof of age card, student card).
STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT WILL NOT BE ISSUED if participants do not provide a valid form of photo I.D.
4. Basic understanding of English language. To complete the course assessment, the basic understanding of reading and writing English is required.
The trainer reserves the right to refuse entry to the course based on the outcome of the Language, Literacy and Numeracy test which is available to all participants.