
NSW Smart and Skilled


Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It’s helping people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.

Link to the NSW Smart and Skilled Website

Please also head to the NSW Vocational Education and Training page for more information

Am I Eligible?

You are eligible If you are:
– 15 years old or over, and
– No longer at school, and
– Living or working in NSW (or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person living in specific NSW border areas), and
– An Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, Australian humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen
– A NSW apprentice or trainee
You may be eligible to enrol in a government-subsidised course with an approved Smart and Skilled training provider.

Linked 2 is offering the following qualification under NSW Smart and Skilled:

* This training is subsidised by the NSW Government.

Before you enrol

The following documents give you further important information about your study with Linked 2 under NSW Smart & Skilled including privacy, consumer protection information, deferral or discontinuance of training, students’ rights and obligations, access to support and assistance and contact details for various support services.

– Student Handbook
– Rights and Responsibilities
– Job prospects etc
– Evidence of eligibility and student declaration
– Am I Eligible for a NSW Security Licence?

Notification of Enrolment Process

Enrolment Process for NSW Smart and Skilled Funded Courses (including Notification of Enrolment Process)

Click on each box to expand.

1. Find a course or unit you would like to study
2. Check your eligibility for fee-free training
Click here to check your eligibility: Smart and Skilled website
3. Read the Linked 2 Student Handbook
4 . Advise Linked 2 whether you have special/specific needs or any other circumstances that may affect your learning
5. Complete the Eligibility for Funding Questionnaire (Linked 2 will verify your eligibility for fee-free training under the Skilling for Recovery initiative)
6. Apply for your Unique Student Identifier

The process of getting a USI:

  • Have a valid form of ID
  • Go to the USI Registry System
  • Agree to the terms and conditions
  • Select Create USI.
  • Select your evidence of identity document.
  • Enter your personal details exactly as they appear on your form of ID.
  • If the name you use for business or official purposes is not the name on your form of ID, you can choose to enter this in the preferred name field.
  • Enter your contact details, including at least two contact methods.
  • Confirm your identity. The USI Registry System will check and confirm your identity using the ‘Documentation Verification Service’ (DVS).
  • Secure your account with a USI password and check questions.

Click here to Apply or Find your Unique Student Identifier

7. Enrolment with Linked 2
A. Confirm your eligibility by providing the required documentation
B. Complete the enrolment form and advise Linked 2 whether you wish to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning and/or Credit Transfer
D. Linked 2 will notify the student of any Third Party arrangements

At present, Linked 2 has no Third Party Arrangements

E. Sign the Smart and Skilled Consent form
F. Sign the Student Declaration
G. Linked 2 completes and issues a Notification of Enrolment process through the NSW Government State Training Services website (STS Online), obtains a Commitment ID and confirms the fee payable and notifies the student.
H. Undertake the Language, Literacy and Numeracy assessment

Your Linked 2 Assessor will arrange this with you

8. Commence training